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Until the late 2022, there are still many nations (85) that have conscription, including Israel, Brazil, the USA, Russia, the Koreas, and Viet Nam (, 2022). Although countries like Ukraine, Russia, and the Koreas are facing wars recently, as a result, they must apply mandatory military service, Viet Nam in peacetime, still considers military service compulsory. Why is that? Does the country really need mandatory military service? Do the citizens try to avoid military service? Let's find out below.



​​Comparing to other countries

​Requirements to join the army

In Viet Nam, regulations for applying for military service are also crafted reasonably in account of the nation’s circumstances. The legal age range to join the military is 18-25 years old, citizens who go to university can temporarily stop enlisting. (LuatVietnam, 2022) The required citizens' health condition is classified into 6 types, and the ones who are sorted for the first three types are able to join the military, which is much less strict than in North Korea. (LuatVietnam, 2022) In conclusion, compulsory military in Viet Nam is considered less demanding than in other countries, why is that? Let's find out in the following section.

    The main military service differences between countries are the ages required and the durations. Furthermore, health conditions demand is also variable in countries, and it is noticeable that in Viet Nam, the soldiers' health condition demand is more strict compared to North Korea. (ThuVienPhapLuat, 2021)

To answer this question

 Why military service in Viet Nam must be compulsory?

“It has always been told that joining the military is necessary to enhance the nation's security. But nowadays Viet Nam is in peacetime, so why must military service be compulsory? Are there any possible alternatives?”, questioned a citizen. (luatsu247, 2021)

                                           the government has introduced some laws:
       Ex: In Clause 1, Article 4 of the 2015 Law on Military Service, it is stated: “Military service is a glorious duty of a citizen serving in the People's Army. Performing military service includes active duty service and service in the reserve ranks of the People's Army." (luatsu247, 2021)

Viet Nam's economy is a key point. As a developing country, there are loads of other aspects that the government should care about, such as technological developments, the medical systems, poverty, scarcity of food in some rural areas.

“Why is compulsory military in Viet Nam less demanding than others"  

As a consequence, the government has been encouraging students to continue their studying path, by allowing exemptions and delays for the ones who chose to study, rather than forcing them to join the military, which lessens the workforce needed. (thuvienphapluat, 2022)

The Youth Thoughts

The majority of the young Vietnamese also refuse to join the military, as well as seek opportunities to avoid it.

Misleading thoughts

scared, shy to adapt to the military environment

Not realising that joining the military is a chance to dedicate themselves to the country and improve their own physical health

Furthermore, there have been several interviews for these targeted young, and most of the time, they are scared of the time taken.

So far, it is obvious that the Vietnamese government has always been encouraging the youth to follow the academic path, in order to boost the country's economy. All citizens know that joining the military is a huge pleasure, a chance to repay ancestors’ works, however, the young who are near their age of joining the military still concerns whether the time they invest is worth it, or those 2 years will be more beneficial if they spent on something else.



​Việt Nam

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